I wanted to diffuse the situation, however I certainly wanted to make sure that the shopper left the cannabis dispensary feeling glad and taken care of! Clearly the order problem was with our side so it was up to us to make things right.
There was a huge commotion at the checkout counter of that marijuana dispensary, so I went up to the front counter to see what was going down. As director of the marijuana dispensary, it is my duty to deal with all of the complications that come up. I took control of the situation suddenly. A shopper had come into the store because there was a mix-up with her online order… She had just picked up the online order from our pick up window in the front of the marijuana dispensary. Alas, the order was not proper and did not appear to belong to that guy! Nothing in the order was at all correct. The shopper ordered 2 grams of cannabis concentrate, 2 sixths of marijuana flowers, and 2 pre-rolls. Inside of the bin was 8 pre-rolls, a half ounce of marijuana, and 2 bags of tasty cannabis edibles. It seemed like a pretty sizable mix-up, so I told the shopper that the clerks and I would happily make everything right. That seemed to make the shopper more calm and relaxed. I wanted to diffuse the situation, however I certainly wanted to make sure that the shopper left the cannabis dispensary feeling glad and taken care of! Clearly the order problem was with our side so it was up to us to make things right. I stuffed the bin with a couple of discount items that the people I was with and I had in the back. I gave the woman 2 extra grams of cannabis concentrate along with a couple of home pre rolls. The items were worth over seventy dollars. I think it helped make the shopper more forgiving.