I dropped off the first order to the address on the North side plus then we started driving to the next address, then rain started pouring down when I was halfway to the endpoint.
There was a immense storm on Sunday day plus it was raining plus pouring for half the day; The ground was truly dry plus most of the rain washed into the roads. Traffic was backed up on the interstate, because people were driving slowly, however i passed numerous different accidents on our way to work. I knew it was going to be a busy night at the marijuana dispensary. Working as a delivery driver is a difficult task, especially on a night love this when it is raining plus storming. As soon as I arrived at the marijuana dispensary, I had numerous orders waiting to go. One order went to the north side of town plus the rest of the orders went to the west side of town. I hopped on the interstate, plus it took myself and others about twice as long to reach our endpoint then it would normally take. I dropped off the first order to the address on the North side plus then we started driving to the next address, then rain started pouring down when I was halfway to the endpoint. By the time that I arrived at the home building, it was pouring down rain again. I only had an minute of dry weather during the entire night that I was delivering orders. Thankfully the tips were pretty good, however people seem to tip a lot better when the weather outside is cold, wet, or rainy. I received more than $100 in tips on the first numerous orders plus the rest of the night was pretty good too.