When I was a little one, I sincerely liked to go outside and play in the yard whenever I could.
I was consistently hanging out by the creek or playing in the woods behind my place.
My mom would easily shout when it was time for me to come back to the place, however I usually spent the rest of my morning playing with my good buddies outside. I had a couple of good buddies nearby and periodically my buddy and I went walking in the creek. It wasn’t an unquestionably massive or fast moving creek, however the rocks were genuinely covered with moss and the water was knee deep. One afternoon, I was playing with my good buddies and I fell into a hole. My leg was totally stuck between two rocks. When I tried to pull out my leg, it started cutting on the jagged rocks under it. I could feel the immense pain and the significant pressure. I told my good buddies to run to my place for help. I had to go to the ER that morning for stitches and a broken leg. The doctor had to work hard to put my leg back together because the rock disfigurement was pretty intense. Since that morning, I have endured ferocious pain in my leg every single morning. I had surgery to handle a few problems, however I still have to use marijuana every morning to deal with the miserable pain. I use a 5mg edible in the morning and another 5mg edible in the afternoon. The medical marijuana edibles help keep the throbbing pain at bay for the most part. I got medical marijuana about 3 years ago. I have been able to dose with 5 mg edibles for so long, however recently the pain has started getting worse once more.
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