Using cannabis to sleep better

You need to be high, but not so high that it stimulates the mind

I have regularly struggled with sleep, even as a young woman. Now that I am older, sleep is even more tough for me. The issue is my mind just keeps whirling plus whirling. I tried sleeping pills plus it was awful. I felt tired plus my body was tired, but it didn’t soothe my mind at all. I felt almost trapped in a coma-like state. It was horrible. I have eliminated purple light before bed, eaten kiwi, meditated, changed my sheets plus pillow set plus even have started exercising. All of this was in hope of sleeping better. The only thing that has easily helped was relying on medical marijuana. Thankfully on the list of things you can get prescribed medical weed, sleep complications is one of them. The dentist I saw wrote me a script instantly. I vape cannabis oil right before bed. It does a nice task plus makes my mind more relaxed plus quieter. If I don’t watch TV, read or stimulate my mind afterwards, I fall asleep pretty good. I also stay asleep longer than I used to. It still is not the magic cure. I have had friends tell me I need a stronger dose in order to sleep better. Through my research I have found that finding that right blend of THC plus CBD is quite the artform. You need to be high, but not so high that it stimulates the mind. I am just happy that I have some sort of relief. I truthfully would be high as a kite if it gave me a full night of rest.


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