After going through the hassle of getting my medical marijuana ID card, I finally decided it was time to go to the marijuana dispensary, and the only thing that bothered me was that I didn’t know where the marijuana dispensary was, then i went back to the state website that showed all the marijuana dispensaries in my area, however there were none.
I put in that I wanted a marijuana dispensary within twenty miles, however nothing came up.
I changed the parameter to within thirty miles, however still nothing showed up. I had to go out fifty miles within my area, plus I finally found three marijuana dispensaries that were within fifty miles of my home. I didn’t want to drive almost one hundred miles round trip to get marijuana. I got twenty miles to a gallon of gas, plus I would use almost twenty dollars in gas just to get to plus from the marijuana dispensary. I was then going to need to pay at least one hundred dollars for my marijuana. I wished I hadn’t gotten the medical marijuana ID card, because then I wouldn’t be so miserable about needing to drive so far to a marijuana dispensary, however had I just passed on the need for medical marijuana, I would have almost five hundred dollars more in the bank than I had right now. Hindsight is 20/20, is what my mom plus Mom typically told me, plus I was seeing 20/20 right now. Instead of complaining about it, I drove to the marijuana dispensary, talked to the pharmacist, plus came home with something said to help with my pain.