Author: Jason

Cannabis cafe day is an easy day

I’m not so sure that I would’ve signed up for all of this life had I known how freaking tough it would be. There was none of that for me. My parents and mentors were just all about getting me to meet this grand potential they thought I possessed. That was weird in itself. But […]

Old flame, new cannabis date night

There is something so full circle for me about seeing my highschool girlfriend. It’s not a novelty by any stretch but more of grounding of sorts. And man, did I ever need that. You don’t realize just how far away from your real self you can get until you do. That sounds less convoluted in […]

Spa trip after the marijuana shopping

But the look on her face when Jane and I pulled up to a local cannabis spot was just priceless It didn’t honestly occur to me til just before I surprised my wifey that where Jane and I were going, recreational marijuana was legal. I’ve been accused of not being too spontaneous nor full-on loving […]

Cannabis products and the love of my life

It has been about six or seven months since I just completely lost it inside the office. And this wasn’t the first time that I had not been able to control my fury, frustration and anger. It simply was the first time that I couldn’t control those things in public. I hated the way that […]

Mary mom is improving thanks to marijuana

Mary was having a taxing time and there were so several reasons. I know when her father died, Mary just sort of walled off her grief in order to simply keep going. That’s the odd thing about dealing with death. There is just constantly so much to do. I know that I was anxious and […]