My girlfriend as well as myself went to a different neighborhood to see a concert.
- We also went to a recreational pot shop while we were at the concert.
The people I was with and myself had pot supplies, but there was something cool about the local dispensary that made the two of us unquestionably want to check it out. Once the people I was with an addition to myself or in the building, we found the prices to be far lower than ever before seen before. The people I was with and myself found out that the prices in addition to match sales included all of the products that were available in the store. I was really excited about the sale on all store products. I did not assume I needed multiple or several containers of any single product. The budtender told me to purchase multiple items. It didn’t matter what the items would be because the lowest priced item was going to be free. The people I was with and myself could purchase cannabis concentrate and 1/8 of marijuana. We could even get a package or two of Edibles. As short as the two of us purchased multiple items, the lowest of all of these items was going to be the least inexpensive. It was easily strenuous for the people I was with and myself not to spend all of our money. Honestly, I probably would have spent a ton more cash if the two of us had not been planning to go to the concert later that night. The people I was with and myself took advantage of the sale and ended up with some pretty good products.